Market COVIDSafe Protocols
• Ensuring we comply with the requirement for maintaining the density of 1 person for 2sq m for outdoor Essential Retail Markets
• Requiring every stallholder to have hand sanitiser
• Requiring stallholders to use disposable gloves for handling of food
• Providing santisier at entry and exit points
• Card/Paywave transactions are strongly preferred. If cash is absolutely necessary then stallholders are asked to follow the most stringent cash handling protocol and keep this separate from food handling.
• Tastings or samples of food offered must be offered in such a way to ensure there is not risk of contamination, including customers breathing over them
• Eliminating tables and chairs - patrons will be asked to shop and leave as quickly as is practical
• There will now be hot food available for consumption away from the market
The most important consideration for patrons and stallholders is as follows:
1. If you have knowingly been in contact with anyone who may be infected by the coronavirus DO NOT ATTEND. Give particular consideration to any person you know who may have travelled internationally or domestically in the last 14 days.
2. If you think you might have any of the symptoms that indicate that you may be affected please DO NOT ATTEND. You can check here:
There may be other restrictions we implement as we take guidance from Health Officials and monitor best practice at other markets.
NOTE: We ask that you please do not bring dogs to the market.
We encourage you to Get In, Get Shopping and Go Home safely.
The monthly Castlemaine Farmers Market is held on the first Sunday of the month from 9 am to 1 pm, and the CFM Weekly is held every Wednesday from 2.30 to 5.00 pm